Sunday, October 30, 2011

Oh by the way!

Listen to this song!

Kind of obsessed with it lately <3


Bad at Blogging

Sorry for the non-regular posts...I really have lots of intention to write in here as much as I can; it's so hard to remember sometimes.

Well, let me update a little bit since my last post :)

School is getting really intense/I am a huge procrastinator...but I already know that! I have a research report due on Friday...yep today is Sunday and I just started on it.  I can finish it by Wednesday at the latest though; I'm sure :).  I put the pro in procrastination. 

On a more fun of my best friends is visiting me in England in December.  We still have to work out details and figure things out because me and Gillian and a few other girls I live with plan on traveling to Paris, Barcelona and Dublin! Needless to say I am SO EXCITED!  Seriously, Friday was just the best day EVER!  First I woke up to that good news, went and grabbed a coffee with my friend Arron, found out my 1 pm class was optional, and then my class that started at 3 that was supposed to end at 5 got out at 330.  I couldn't have asked for a better day!

We had a Halloween party last night (Saturday), and I think for the first time in my adult life I actually looked scary for Halloween.  So many of you may know I absolutely HATE dressing up for Halloween...but everyone here seemed to be getting in to I had one of my roommates "zombify" my "cowgirl" costume.  Me and Carrie were actually quite scary....(didn't mean to rhyme ;))
Carrie was "Death" as you can see; and me the zombie original ;)

Carrie and I also went to run some errands before the party and we ended up at a "fish spa" as reccomended by one of our roommates.  First of all, I hate fish.  They are all slimey and bleh! They freak me out.  But, I mean I was looking forward to having super soft footsies.  So we went to this place in the mall and you just put your feet in a fish tank basically.  It tickled so much at first! I kind of screamed a little bit.  But after a while you get used to the feeling and afterwords your feet are super soft.  It was definitely worth 10 pounds.  I think everyone should try it :) 
Here's the little fishes sucking on my footsies.  It was kind of weird they would all be on one foot then switch to the other one! 
Anyway, I should be getting a little more reading done before calling it a night.  


P.S. One week from today and it's the big 21! Eek! <3

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Loving England :)

I haven't updated in a let me fill you in on some stuff! :)

Well, nothing too exciting has been happening...Last week there were 3 birthdays within our house so needless to say we went out...A LOT.  My body hated me. 

School has been going good...I'm a little stressed because I have 3 assessments due so soon.  They all are focused around marketing though which is exciting, because I finally get to be taking classes I want to take!  One is due in only 2 weeks! I need to buckle down and do some research! And what is even more fabulous about these assessments is that my 21st is right in the middle of all 3 of them :(. I'm still going to celebrate anyway ;)

Some of us went to the Nottingham Beer Festival the other day, which was SO much fun!! It was held on the Nottingham Castle grounds.  It was so beautiful.  You pay about 12 pounds for a ticket to get in and you get a 1/2 pint mug and some tickets so you can try out some beer and cider!  They also had so much food! SO delicious! 

This is near the entrance of the beer festival and the grounds of the Nottingham Castle

I'm now in the process of trying to plan a trip to Spain or Italy! And I might move my flight home back a week so I can travel around just a little more! :) 

So basically I've fallen in love with England! It is soo beautiful :)

I'll try to keep this thing more updated so I don't have to keep rambling!


Friday, October 7, 2011


In addition to my last post, I'm loving all of my roommates!

Tonight, Tania and I went to this Thai restaurant...SO YUMMY. 2 pounds for some sticky rice but whatever right? It was delicious so it's okay!

And I love how all of us pretty much stayed in tonight and just enjoyed eachothers company in our kitchen sharing stupid jokes and having some quality bonding time. (For all of my friends that know the cookie was told tonight hahaha).  It is so nice getting to know so many people from all around the world :).

AND Flag got SNOW today! Eek! So exciting!  And I got to talk to one of my best friends Sabastian yesterday on her birthday!  It is always so nice to hear a voice from home.  It gets a little lonely being in another country all alone :(.  Anyway, have to get to sleepies, our bus leaves at 7:50 a.m. for Birmingham tomorrow ayiyi.


First week of school = success :)

So, this week has FLOWN by! The first week of "uni" is already done and their way of doing things is NOT what I am used to.  First of all...I'm a library geek that stays in Cline until 2 a.m.  Needless to say I don't think I will be doing that here.  Boots Library closes at I think 8 or 9 p.m.  What do these students do here?! Haha, but Sunday I plan on spending the day there figuring out how to print, and find my text books...I do not want to buy books! And hopefully they just have an e-book version too ;)!  I have also met some really nice people in my classes.  And it definitely helps having a cutie in one of my seminar groups ;).  I like the seminar type of class they do here, though.  It is for each class you are in you have 2, one hour lectures per week and 1, two hour seminar each week.  The seminar is a lot more hands on and I feel like I've learned so much.  It is just confusing they don't hand out syllabus' in class it is all on line on this thing called "NOW" (kind of like Louie or Vista).  Soo I think I have homework? I'm not sure? I will figure it out Sunday because tomorrow I am going to BIRMINGHAM! :)

Also this week a group of us went to the Goose Fair! It was fun besides the fact it was pouring down rain and I had no jacket or umbrella...we went on 2 spinny rides which was a horrible decision.  After getting off of the second one Carrie and I thought we were going to throw up.  It didn't help that I was a little freaked out because before the second ride started Carrie mentioned how it felt like it could have been a scene from Final Destination.  Haha after our adventures at the Goose Fair, Carrie, Christian and I went and got some dinner and enjoyed some yummy ice cream :)

Anyway, this week has been soo busy! Can't wait to tell you how Birmingham goes :)


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

First day of school in the UK!

So, my first class didn't even start until 6pm yesterday.  It was so strange to have a full day to get things done and then go to class.  By the time I was sitting in my first lecture I was ready for a nap!

 Before I even got to school though I had a very eventful day.  First, I was working on my laundry and the coin pusher in thing wouldn't go...I knew that was a bad sign to start my day...I haven't washed my clothes in 3 weeks, which has given me a great excuse to just buy new clothes.  But still, I was desperate for a washer and dryer.  Then, I went to ASDA (kind of like Walmart or Target) with Carrie.  I got all of my school supplies and fun stuff like that.  But with our hands full of groceries and other junk I saw our bus approaching...and we had to run!! Needless to say it had to have been a funny sight seeing two girls running across the street almost getting hit by cars to catch a bus.  Apparently, the guy who yelled "Run Forrest, Run!!" also thought it was a funny sight.  Carrie, Tania, Cinderela and I all went and got fish and chips too! I usually am not much of a fish fan...but it wasn't half bad! At least I can say I have had the traditional fish and chips in England ;)
So, very eventful first day of school...and I hadn't even been to class yet! :)

One of my housemates, Ronja, and I have two classes together.  I'm so happy that we do! That way at least we have someone to go to when we don't understand something.  Well, apparently, as I have learned you wait outside of the lecture hall BEFORE going in.  It isn't like at NAU where you sit in your class and wait for class to we approached our room I noticed there were lots of people waiting outside...I thought that was weird and decided I would just go in the room and wait since we only had a few minutes before the lecture would begin.  Note to self: DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN.  I walked in to find 300 faces staring at me and the whole room in complete silence.  After feeling SO embarassed Ronja and I walked out laughing histerically and couldn't believe that just happened.  While her and I were talking about how funny that was...I noticed some guy (probably from England) chuckle to him self.  He probably thought we were so dumb, and definitely not from around here.  Other than that my classes seem like they are going to be really interesting, but kind of difficult.  Pretty much only two assignments make up your grade which intimidates me a little.  I guess I will just hope for the best.

Today is day 2.  I have 3 seminar classes today...each are 2 hours long.  Tuesdays are my long days! I've already been so productive...I had a yummy breakfast burrito and got to Skype with Derrik, Alexa and Chris :).  I'll try to keep this thing updated on any more funny stories ;)


Saturday, October 1, 2011

T-R-E-N-T...we are the TRENT ARMY!

So, today was so much fun! I went to the City with my housemate Tania! We were in search of some boots...but didn't find any.  Instead I found a cheap and cute top and a few necklaces! :) Then we came back and had a BBQ with our roommates! So much fun! :)

I'm getting used to the lifestyle makes me nervous to go back home now! I'm going to have some reverse culture shock I think.  But it sucks because everything is SO expensive when you convert pounds to dollars.  For example...a shirt at H&M is say 12 pounds...with the conversion rate and fee on your debit card it brings that 12 pound shirt to about 20 dollars.  And in the US that same shirt would be priced also at 12 dollars. I don't even know if that made sense...but needless to say it SUCKS.  And I didn't know this until today but we have to pay to use the washer and dryer.  I've been buying new clothes because I haven't had access to any washing machines...and now that I do it will cost me about 4.50 pounds per load of laundry.  I'd rather just keep going shopping and getting new clothes ;)

Going out has been so much I think I said in my last post.  We went to an event put on by "Freshers" week I think...They kept chanting something but I finally caught on to what they were saying after hearing it a few times.  It seems like Nottingham Trent Uni is a very enthusiastic school and they are proud of who they are.  In the middle of a dance club the DJ started a chant that said "T-R-E-N-T...we are the TRENT ARMY!"  It was kind of fun to see how enthusiastic everyone is about their school.  I saw a Trent Army shirt and I kind of want to get it! :) I feel like you don't get that kind of school spirit at least not saying school chants in dance clubs!

I've definitely been feeling a little homesick...and also that I have a cold of some kind.  All of the going out and staying out late is probably not helping. But I am sure all of that will subside when school starts on Monday.  I miss my family, friends, Target, Taco Bell, In-N-Out, having a car, ohhh the list could go on and on.  Some days are so nice and busy and I am having so much fun...but I have found that other days seem to be so lonely.  Let me just say having a little secret stash of chocolate in my room was the best idea I have ever had.  I guess that is the whole experience, right?  I can't believe I've already been here about 2 1/2 weeks! Time is definitely flying!

Speaking of school.  I am SO excited to start my classes.  Everyone at NAU started about a month ago so it has felt so weird not being busy with school and work like I normally would.  My schedule is so chaotic, and it was strange not making my own schedule.  For instance, I start class at 6 pm on Monday and then Noon Tuesday and then no class on Wednesday and I don't even remember what Thursday and Friday are like.  I'm kind of bummed about my schedule though because it will make it difficult to travel.  Hopefully I can figure something out!

Tomorrow I have plans to Skype my parents and also my good friend Gillian! It is always so nice to hear a voice from home.  Sometimes I find my self going crazy and feeling so disconnected from my life back at home. But it will all be there when I get back in a few months :)

Anyway, I have to be getting ready.  Tonight we are planning on having a more relaxing night and possibly going and having a few drinks along the Trent River which will be fun :) Next post I'll put up some pics!
