Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Count Continues...

As of tonight, 16 more days, and I'll be in London! Today, my mom and I went and got some travel sized stuff, and other goodies we will need for our trip.  I am getting soooo anxious to say the least.

But here, in good ol' Phoenix, I've just been keeping busy.  I've been seeing a lot of friends, and in about a week I get to see my cousin! :) Tomorrow I am hanging out with my good friend Cynthia; and Tuesday grabbing some dinner with my friend Alissa.  It is going to be a fun filled week. Oh and going to the chiropractor a few times, that is always nice!

Hopefully, the next time I'll be writing it will be while we are waiting at the airports :)

P.S. The change of the title of the blog is due to my conversation with my friend Eric.  Thank you, Eric, for your creative name choice :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

21 days!

21 days until I leave for England! I am so excited, I wish I could just go right now.
I still have some things to get done before I leave, but all of the "important" things are out of the way.  But nothing ever does go smothly...I'm currently on hold with NAU Financial Aid and have been for the past 47 minutes(...and counting).  I guess since I've been on hold for so long it gives me time to start this blog ;)
I already miss Flag so much.  I don't know how I am going to do it for 3-ish months!
Anyway, until next time!

P.S. Add me on Skype! :)